Giveaway among Telegram subscribers | TgGrow
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Giveaway among Telegram subscribers

Giveaway among subscribers of a channel or group is the easiest way to hold a contest. Nothing is required from the participants except a subscription.

This type of contest is suitable for those who have a clear, active, selected audience. No bots or other random participants. This is due to the fact that winners among subscribers are selected randomly and anyone can become a winner (everyone must be worthy of this).

What prizes should I choose for the contest?

Prizes can be completely different, depending on your profile. It can be any of your products, a discount on it, certificates and so on. The main thing is that it should be mutually beneficial and interesting for subscribers.

You shouldn't give away an iPhone in a channel that has 100 subscribers :)

Firstly, it is not profitable on such a scale, it is better to buy advertising. Secondly, such "liquid" prizes (including money, etc.) will be interesting to everyone, but will they be interested in your channel?

Giveaway or contest with partners

In our bot you can choose winners among subscribers of one or more channels. For example, you can organize a contest together with partners (other channels) and choose random winners among those who subscribed to all pages.

Selecting winners among subscribers using our bot:

- up to 200 winners;

- filter for subscription date (select among those who subscribed after a certain date)

- if the contest is among several channels / groups, the database of participants can be combined or vice versa, choose those who are subscribed to all channels.


  1. launch the bot or send a command /start
  2. click the "New Contest" button under the message. A window of our service will open, where you can create a new contest in the usual form of the site.
  3. if you haven't added a channel to the bot yet, go to your channel/group settings and add the @tggrowbot bot to the admins (no permissions are required).
  4. if after being added to the admins, you do not receive a notification in the chat, send a link to the channel to the chat.
  5. bot worksonly with public and private channels and SUPERgroups.
  6. if you want to add partner channels to the contest,you and our bot must be added to the administrators of these channels (no admin permissions are required).
  7. after selecting channels /groups in the first step, in the second step specify the name of the contest, the method of combining the database of participants (available if there are several participating channels) and the filter for the subscription date.
  8. after saving the contest card will be available. To select the winners, click the "Select winners" button. Specify the number of winners (up to 200) and, if necessary, set the filter "only with @username" (participants without username will be filtered out).
  9. Then select the winners. We will duplicate the list of winners in a chat with a bot in the form of a message and an Excel file.

How to contact the winners?

To contact the winners, find them by name in the list of subscribers of the channel. Or use our "Link to the result" tool. We will create a link to our bot, if the winner clicks on it (we check by ID), he will receive your message, which may contain contact or any other information.